Reading at home
In this section you will find useful guides about:
The importance of reading with your child at home, reading fluency and speed and recording reading at home.
Each week, we expect all our children to read 4 times at home for 10 minutes.
Some children in school will have 2 books – 1 interest book for sharing and talking about
to help them build their vocabulary and understanding, as well as a school reading
Some children, particularly in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, will also have a phonics book.
The purpose of this book is to help practice applying phonic knowledge that they have
learned in their Sounds Write lessons at school. If your child has both of these books it
is important for them to spend time reading both. This could be 5 minutes of their
Sounds Write book and 5 minutes sharing their interest book, for example.
Our expectation is that every child will read at home for around 10 minutes every day for
a min of 4 days a week. If children read at least 5 times a week (or more), they will
receive an additional 5 dojos for this extra effort.
Every child will be heard read by an adult in school during the course of each week.
Some children who need a little extra help with reading may read more frequently than
this. Teachers will keep their own records of who is reading in school but may also add
notes to a reading record on Showbie, or send you a direct dojo message, if appropriate.
Children in Key Stage 1, and some children in Key Stage 2 who are receiving additional
phonics interventions, will have a school reading record. Please use this to record when
you listen to your child read at home. This will be checked by adults in school.
Children in Key Stage 2 will continue to record their reading at home on Showbie. The
book they have read and what page they have got up to.
If pupils are not reading at home and recording this either in their reading record or on
Showbie, they will be invited to join an additional reading club at lunchtime with an
All reading and phonics books and reading records must be in school every day to allow
staff to read with your child and monitor their home support.