Deer Class
Welcome to Deer class
In Deer class we are committed to our learning and becoming the best we can be. We know that we learn from our mistakes, and we’re encourage to have a growth mindset in order to overcome challenges.
A typical day in Deer class will involve a reading and writing lesson and a maths lesson that includes Times Tables Rockstars, flashback questions and reasoning problems. We also have an arithmetic session and multiplication check on alternate weeks within a Maths session. In addition, we will study a full range of other subjects; Science, History, Geography, Art, Computing, Music, PE, RE, French and PSHE on a rotating timetable.
Please see attachments regarding the importance of reading at home with your child, reading fluency and reading speed, with a grid that your child may wish to complete to record their scores.
We are extremely lucky in year 4 to have our own iPads that we use to support our learning. The iPads are used in most lessons and we are grateful for having different apps to share what we have learned. ‘Socrative’ is used regularly for quizzes to retrieve knowledge learned and ‘Keynote’ is used for interactive activities that the children complete on their iPad.
In year 4, it is extremely important that the children read every night and look up the meaning of new vocabulary to share with the rest of the class. We love learning new vocabulary to use within all of our writing.
Please take a look at our latest newsletter to find out more about what is happening in our classroom this term.
Please see attached Jigsaw Knowledge & Skills Progression: Healthy Me.
Thank you for visiting Deer class page.
Associated Pages
Deer Newsletter Spring 25
Deers Dreams and Goals (1)
AUTUMN 24 Deer Newsletter
PSHE autumn 2 overview Deers (1)
DEER Summer Newsletter
DEERS Jigsaw mindful PSHE
Deers - Healthy Me
Recording reading at home
Reading Fluency letter to parents
Deers Dreams and Goals
Year 4 Newsletter Spring 2024
Deer Autumn newsletter Deer 2023